In the field of Competition, we offer complex merger control advice including assessing filing obligations, preparing merger control filings, and participating in merger control proceedings. Our lawyers have been involved in prominent Phase II investigations, conditional clearance proceedings and multinational merger control filings. With the help of our colleagues from abroad, we are able to assess merger control obligations in many jurisdictions.
In addition, we advise on abuse of dominance, dawn raids, and cartel cases. The latter covers the evaluation of evidence, also using forensic software, and the preparation of leniency strategies.
LEGALIO lawyers have successfully represented companies in landmark investigations leading to significant fine reductions or negating the existence of a dominant market position.
As preventive measures, we offer the tailor-made development of competition compliance programs and conduct training sessions for staff, who benefit from our practical and industry-oriented approach to competition law issues that may arise in day to-day operations.
Within Competition practice, we also advise on foreign direct investment and contractual advantage issues, which are new areas of expertise and of increasing relevance for businesses.